New Lands
As you turn, look to the background of any story. New lands are brutal, then. The child in all of us likely knows of the broken promises of dawn.
Dusk comes quickly.
You can see both dawn and dusk from the rooftops of Egypt. Egypt is east of courage. Kindness is family. Go to your bondage if you wish.
Bondage melts you. You fear it as you live in comfort, comforted by the familiarity of abuse. Remember your childhood.
Remember. Remember the Alamo. Remember Joshua.
Joshua fought a familiar battle as so many of us fight familiar ones today. We know brutal battles too well, fought against the cancer of abuse and rejection.
My life was difficult. It still is. God is still God of the dusk and the dawn.
We are led far from the poverty of our ignorant youth. Quickly our outer man grows, but we are often the child on the inside refusing to grow, refusing to go. We are on the wondering edge looking for a way out of situational chaos.
Rooftops have memories; something bigger lies just over the horizon, something interesting. There are times to wonder, but wondering often brings up the past.
Understand addictions of Egypt and understand you. Why go east, west, north, or south? In any direction, you discover kindness, courage, family, fear, discomfort and maybe a heart…filled with pain.
Only you decide what you can see.