BATISTE CONSULTING, LLC Partners with SkyFire Dev to Help Colleges Meet Goals


SkyFire Dev, headed by founder, Mr. Krisn Ramcharitar, works with innovative companies like Batiste Consulting to develop solutions higher education, especially given that the Texas governor just signed into law $600M in additional funds to help community colleges reach specific goals.  

“At SkyFire Dev, we solve real-world business problems.” Ramcharitar gleefully shares. 

The relationship SkyFire Dev has with Batiste Consulting, LLC (BC) is primarily one where the two companies share resources that add value to customers in the Texas community college higher education space. One such service is the development of analytics-based applications that help increase enrollment and enrollment tracking by streamlining the process. Each app is customized for the institution’s mission. 

In addition to providing end-to-end analytics, SkyFire Dev and BC will provide quality faculty workshops for client institutions.  

“The software applications are created with the institution in mind. It helps leaders make the appropriate, real-time decisions that allow them to remain competitive in a new reality where institutions are fighting even harder for headcounts.” Batiste adds. 

In fact, SkyFire Dev fosters an institutional competitive edge by using an initial concept and adding value.  

Texas community colleges will have access to new outcomes-based funding sources this Fall thanks to a new bill introduced by Representative Gary VanDeaver, which takes effect on September 1, 2023.  

The new bill, House Bill 8 (SB 8), will bring additional funding to community colleges that meet certain measurable outcomes.  

This new partnership is forged with solutions in mind.  

“SkyFire Dev unique arrangement with Batiste Consulting can really help institutions meet and track institutional goals in real-time for workforce and graduation efforts. And, they have the state backing to do it.”  

Learn more: Contact SkyFire Dev HERE or visit them on the web HERE.